Our Valued Suppliers
In keeping with our tradition of helping our customers source materials and complete jobs they feel they can manage on their own, without our hands-on help, we are providing this list of suppliers - many of whom we ourselves are indebted to for quality products and specialized services. The suppliers below are so listed based on their own merit and have given us nothing in exchange for their listing.
Abbot Paint
Eagle Street, Greenpoint www.abbotpaint.com (718) 349-2112
Abbot carries all of the products that your neighborhood paint store will not tell you exist. Charlie Hoey, manager of Abbot's Eagle St. location, has full knowledge of traditional and modern finishes and can tell you what to use to acheive the historic or modern look you want on your architectural wood elements. We rely on Abbott Paint for all of the stains and most of the top coats we use including products by Mohawk, Last n' Last, Mcklosky, Cambell, and General. The also carry Waterlox Marine Wood finish - something we sometimes use on the trim around doors. If you go to Abbott's Eagle Street location, tell them "Stetson" sent you. Please be aware that Abbot is an industrial supplier and is not able to sell all of the products they carry to consumers.
Adriatic Wood Products
Pitkin Ave., Brooklyn
(718) 922-9348
Adriatic is Brooklyn's largest single location supplier of hardwood lumber - including native species and exotics from around the world. They also manufacture stock and made-to-order moldings and architectural wood products. With 90,000 sqaure feet of warehouse and manufacturing facility under one roof, Adriatic sources the wood and makes the product on site. We turn to Adriatic for most of our hardwood and all of our custom profiles. If you call Adriatic, ask for Chris or Eric and tell them "Stetson" sent you.
Brownstone Home Inspection LLC. Buying a new home? Brownstone Home Inspection LLC brings four decades of building and construction experience to your home inspection. visit brownstonehomeinspection.com
Demolition Depot
125th Street, NYC
(212) 860-1138
One of three major salvage yards in the city, Demolition Depot stocks hundreds of 19th and early 20th century doors - including entry doors for Brownstones. They also have a large assortment of hardware such as hinges along with the usual supply of period lighting fixtures and architectural adornments.
Dykes Lumber
Sixth Street, Brooklyn
(718) 624-3350
The usual source for dressed lumber and moldings, Dykes is a great source for doors including product from Simpson and Rouge Valley Doors. Dykes also stocks plywood and does have a panel cutter on site to reduce plywood to managable pieces.
Greenwich Locksmith
56 7th Ave, NYC
(212) 242-4646
Owner Phil Mortillaro and now his son, Phil Jr. bring 50 years of locksmithing experience to lower Manhattan. As an honest and hard-to-find bygone New York Tradesman, Phil brings a high level of integrity, trust, and expertise to a field that is fast losing its repuation. We at the Tinker's Wagon are very cautious about recommending locksmiths to our customers and it takes years of knowing a locksmith before we will even consider putting his name on here; Phil earned that trust with us years ago. Sadley, Greenwich serves only lower Manhattan but I frequently send my Brooklyn customers to him for locks and parts which many find they can pick up at the end of their workday. Phil is one of my main suppliers of Medeco products. If you visit Phil, tell him "Steve from Queens" sent you.
Harry's Hardware
Elliot Ave. Middle Village
We are lucky to have this hardware store so close to our shop in Middle Village. We make every effort to buy product from such mom and pop operations. Stores like Harry's are good for the customer and good for the community.
Major Glass
Fresh Pond Road, Ridgewood
these are the people we order glass from for door restoration projects throughout New York City. They stock laminated safety glass and plate glass and mirror and can order custom glass including tempered and etched.